Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Quarantine Feels

Quarantine Day god knows how many: To be very honest m kinda liking the work from home bit. It has taught me how to be organized. I guess m more disciplined now then I ever was. Apart from that the day just goes by with me stuck to my pc doing office work and taking regular breaks. 
Playing with my billa in between who kinda keeps me sane. Apart from that I've been trying to keep myself busy and doing something or the other to keep myself sane during this time. Painting a bit, I even took out my violin to play again, started reading a book. But honestly its hard. it really is hard. my emotions get the best of me. 
Amidst all this, the silence of the night that used to be peaceful for me before kinda haunts me now. Nowadays it's just too much. Anxiety slowly creeps in making me all teary and I try to find out reasons why that is happening to me. Fear takes over. 
Its slowly starts to feel a bit too claustrophobic in my own room. The constant news headlines, the constant reminder of what's happening. It feels like a war already but without guns. The fear of something that is invisible to the eye. The little things we took for granted has have been taken away from us. The monotonous routine life we used to hate is what we crave for now. No luxury travels, no materialistic things but simple things like hugging your friends, the shear importance of human touch, the chai we used to sip on at chai dhabbas with our friends, the unplanned trips to the supermarket. 
The ability to sit across from someone to talk. I suddenly feel too anxious to even plan ahead of time.   I just feel too nauseous and odd and even though m coping with it. I guess we all feel that way and I hope it gets better.

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